Sacred Soul Healing Arts offers a myriad of services, each rooted in love and connection. Whether you are on the table in an individual healing or massage session, learning to meditate or practicing asana at the edge of the Pacific, we are here to hold you in love and help you remember your love within.

In Person Healing
Jessica Jacobson, ABT, CYT
As a new client, your session will last about 90 minutes. An individual session consists of listening, light touch, working in the energy field and working with the Chakra system. Clients remain clothed and are held in safe loving touch.
As you enter the space, we will explore your intention for letting go and letting come. I will invite you to meet yourself right where you are and really feel it, remembering that you are right where you need to be.
Each session is very different and may require different tools for support, but the root of all healing is being present in love. Sometimes, past life work is needed, other times it is aromatherapy that is necessary to support moving through a block. No matter what we are working through, the practice is in meeting ourselves right where we are in love and compassion. We each have purpose and light to share with the whole. As we lift ourselves into the light, so do we lift up the whole.
Most often in the end, the letting go of our story is the easy part, it is the opening to love that tends to be the most challenging. Either way, I will be there for you, no matter what you bring, I am here for you in service.
Often, I will give clients homework that may consist of asana, mudra or mantra. Sometimes dietary changes are helpful and often I will make an essential oil recomendation to support your healing or transition.
In most cases, clients will come once a week for 3-6 weeks, developing mindfulness practices to support everyday life. I encourage all clients come in for “maintenance work” every six weeks or so.
During Retreats I will often offer a deep two hour session to really get to the root of the issue and give practices to support the client in their daily life. This is appropriate given that many participants don’t live in the Roaring Fork area and the retreats are all geared to immersing in love and mindfulness practices to continually offer support.
Issues Most Commonly Addressed in Conjunction With Deep Healing Work
~ Anxiety ~ Depression ~ Anger ~ Unexplained Fear ~ Headaches ~ Hormone imbalance ~ Sleep Imbalance ~ Adrenal Fatigue ~ Physical Pain ~ Asthma ~ Digestive Imbalance ~ Moving into Life Purpose~SELF LOVE

Private Yoga Instruction
Jessica Jacobson, ABT, CYT
As a Certified Yoga Therapist, I use the roots of yoga to support your body, mind and spirit. This means I will suggest asana specific to your needs whether it be for supporting your body through an injury or helping you open emotionally. Additionally, you may be guided to use mudra (hand gestures that direct energy), mantra (positive, repetitive refrain), and meditation to help you move into your true self.
In a group setting, I will simply listen to the intention for the group and lead a practice best suited for those involved. A few examples include; corporate retreats where gentle opening in the hips, shoulders hands and wrists is most appropriate or adventure retreats where spendong a lot of time on a road bike would have us opening more in the mid and upper back, calves and hamstrings.
What ever the occasion, I am happy to design a class for your needs.

Essential Oil Therapy
Essential Oils are an amazing gift of the earth. Qualitly is imperative to receive benefit and I take great care in selecting the oils I use. Currently, I work with three oil companies of great integrity to ensure quality and potency for healing.
AromaTouch Therapeutic Essential Oil Treatment
A remarkable treatment for those who have injured or broken thier spine in any way, Do Terra's AromaTouch protocol really helps to heal. We work 8 oils into the spine to support physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Not only does it support the healing of the body, but it is excellent for pain managment. Aroma Touch is also one of the only treatments I know of to successfully support those with scoliosis of the spine.

Massage Therapy
Doug is a present and intuitive Massage Therapist. He listens to your body and supports the unfolding of your natural vibrancy. Doug has long been a caregiver and deeply enjoys holding space for his clients to let go and release their stored tension.
Doug is also a gifted Reiki practitioner and is learning sound vibrational healing with both Tibetan and quartz crystal singing bowls.

Sacred Soul offers a variety of workshops every year.All of our workshops are in service to personal and spiritual growth.
A sampling of recent and upcoming workshops include:
Your Sacred Soul, Remember who you are and Why you are here - $250, A two day immersion
Dropping In - $125, A full day workshop in mindfulness practices, self exploration and practical tools to support your true self.
This is a beautiful opportunity to deepen into yourself and bring home tools to enrich and empower your life right now.

Adventure Retreats
Adventure Retreats
Hosting retreats is one of our favorite things to do. We help create an experience for each person to really sink into. Every retreat is well thought out to support and meet everyone right where they are. At its core a retreat with Sacred Soul is a deep honoring of yourself.
You will have the time and space to nurture yourself in beautiful high pranic areas while letting go more fully into joy!
Eating clean, vibrant food while on a retreat is imperative. It is the nourishment we need to gently cleanse and revitalize our bodies. Each retreat is selected with local organic food as priority. We are happy to accomadate any dietary needs
Every year we offer between two and four standard adventure retreats, but are always available to customize an adventure retreat just for you and your group.
Areas of Custom Travel Expertise are: France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Pacific Northwest and Canadian Rockies.
Sample Adventure Retreats Include
Mar de Jade, Yoga and Meditation Adventure Retreat which could include: Surfing, horseback riding and whale watching in Chacala, Mexico
Avalanche Hot Springs, Nordic Ski and Yoga Adventure Retreat Carbondale, Colorado